Ships for sale

**Shipping charges not included. Check the Sell Page for shipping information before submitting payment. Do not submit payment until you have requested shipping and handling costs for the item you are ordering.**

Name Company Scale Price in USD
06/29/03 Hamburg (German Modern Destroyer ) Wilhelshavener 1/250 $24.95
08/02/03Emden (German WWII Light Cruiser) Wilhelmshaven 1/250 $19.95
09/13/03 SSN 571 Nautilus (First USN Nuclear Submarine) Wilhelmshaven 1/250 $7.95
09/19/03 SC-1029 (USN Subchaser) Paper-Lab 1/250 $6.95
11/20/03 USS Gambier Bay (USN Escort Carrier) Halinski 1/200 $31.95
11/20/03 IJN Yamato (Japanese WWII Battleship) Halinski 1/200 $31.95
12/19/03 Bismark (German WWII Battleship) GPM 1/200 Sold
01/04/04 HMS Prince of Wales (British WWII Battleship) GPM 1/200 $31.95
02/14/04 Samakand, T-38, Hajen & Norkaparen (Swedish Destroyer, Torpedo Boat & Sub) JSC 1/400 $6.95
02/27/04 S-12 Szkwal (Polish Coast Guard Cutter) Answer 1/50 $9.95
03/14/04 Sirius (British WWII Light Cruiser) JSC 1/400 $6.95
04/10/04 Endracht(Sailing Ship) JSC 1/100 $28.95

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This page was created by:
Saul H. Jacobs M.Ed.
Avionics Specialist, United States Air Force (Retired)
Microcomputer Technology, Pima Community College (Retired)
Tucson Arizona