Cardmodelers Commercial Links Page

< This page was last updated February 11, 2004
This counter reflects the number of people who have visited this pagesince January 19, 1999

Below are listed dealers and manufacturers that I have found surfing the net or purchased models from. Companies have their country of origin listed by them, because of shipping cost it is always better to purchase from companies in your own or neighboring countries.If you order from overseas and want to get your models in a reasonable time you will have to ship by airmail. The average cost for shipping by airmail from overseas to me is between $20 and $30 U.S. and takes about a week. Cost for shipping in North America costs me between $5 and $10 dollars and it takes about one to two weeks to get my orders.

Gomix Canopies and Wheels
Vacuformed Canopies for most aircraft card models produced in Poland. Wooden wheels are also available for 1/33 scale aircraft. Parts are available in the United States and shipping is very reasonable for those in the U.S.

Paper Models International (U.S.A.)
I have purchased many models from these people for many years and look forward to getting their catalog every year. They carry a very complete line of models, I am interested in the ships and planes but the catalog has just about every type of model you can think of. I have found service from these people to be timely and excellent overall.
New and Special Items Lou Dausse from PMI has added a page for new and special items that he gets between catalogs. Check this page often to see what specials he has and what new models he has received.

Fiddlers Green (U.S.A.)
Found these little postcard sized models several years ago and have enjoyed them ever since. Very easy to construct but they make very nice looking little models. They carry mostly aircraft that covers aircraft from WWI all the way up to today. I have had excellent service from Chip since I started dealing with him. Fiddlers has added a CD to their line now, this CD contains all the models in the collection. At $49.95 this is a good deal, of course you will need a color printer to print the models out.

Moshe Lemer (Israel)
Moshe carries most of the models that are put out by the Israeli Air Force. These are very detailed 1/50 models which go together very nicely. Moshe is also carrying the ModelArt 1/32 line of kits. Excellent models and excellent models. They do not take credit cards but do accept payment through PayPal. 03/08/04 I Haved moved part of my site to new address, to improve the service. The new address is: Download and CD Available here are 1/32 ModelArt kits in download and CD formats. The printed kits are still at:

Scheuer & Struever (Germany)
This site is all in German and has the nicest catalog of any company I have seen. The catalog has listings of most all card models available and most have pictures of the models. Orders came be made over the Internet. From a message posted to the mail list on October 7, 1998 by Benjamin Scheuer. "We have changed our shipping conditions", I will post what appears to be the best way to get packages which is Economy, Shipped by air from Germany to the U.S. and then surface with in the U.S. "Up to DM 500 order value shipping and handling is DM 40, more than DM 500 Shipping and handling is DM 20". I have received two packages from Germany shipped this way and both took 14 days, this is a s good as surface mail in North America. The big advantage of this over the previous method of shipping is that the larger the order, the less the postage is per model.

Marcle Models (U.K.)
Company based in the U.K., carries most of the Polish models that are hard to get here in the states. I have had excellent service from Christopher, he answers questions through email quickly. I ordered several models and had them sent airmail, they arrived in a week. It costs 3 pounds extra for the airmail but you get the models just as quick as if they came from a company here in the states this way.

Keniworth Press e-mail (U.S.A.) Kenilworth Web pages on Peter Vissers site
This company, repli/kits, puts out a series of card models which concentrates on buildings. They have a lot of light houses and some ships also. They have no Web site, there snail mail address is P.O. 4, Roxbury, ME. 04275. For you Shakespeare fans there is a lot of kits and information about him and his era.

The Hobby Factory (Canada)
The Hobby Factory is a Canadian store that offers a wide range of paper models for your enjoyment. They carry a wide selection of GPM, Fly, JSC and Dover models just to name a few. All models on the site are in stock, and ready to ship.

Pelta (Poland)
This Polish company is the only dealer in Poland that I have found who is willing to deal with individuals. Mark has a price listing of models they carry that he can send you across the Internet. The list is available in Microsoft Word format, send a message to Mark Machala to get the latest price list.It takes about a week to get your models from them by airmail. Shipping cost for six models was $28.50 U.S. by air. Shipping time by air is one week, you can ship by surface cheaper but shipping time jumps to four to six weeks.

Gryf Hobbies
This company is in Poland and does not take credit cards or checks. You must either do a wire transfer or send cash. This is a Polish speaking site and while they do speak a little English if you have any problems than one of the members of the mail list can interpret for you. They only want to deal if you buy $25 or more worth of models. This site will sell you the models at Polish prices which makes it one of the best deals going.

Flying Pig Internet Gallery (U.K.)
If you want to see a flying pig or a ruminating cow go to this page. Here are some card models with automation, I saw about four different models on this page and a few books. There are some free samples here also.

James Coffey's site
I am offering models from Denis Oroit and Erwin de Jong in hardcopy and with their downloads on my site as well. There are many new models from Denis Obroit. All models offered for sale and/or download are offered with the express permission of the model designers.

Matt Bergstrom's Page
I have a web page devoted to my "Build Your Own Chicago" postcard paper models, published by Wurlington Brothers Press. There are six different models of Chicago buildings and landmarks, plus a free PDF model of a building you can download. The web page also features step-by-step construction hints for the models and a photo gallery.

Heritage Models
Architectoral Card Models by Roger Pattenden

Steve Buchers Cardmodel Page.
This page contains Steve's first commercial attempt the First World War Be.2a.

Delta 7 Studios
Delta 7 Studios specializes in creating detailed paper models of historic spacecraft. we publish in CD-ROM format.

Models by Marek
A series of 1/50 scale aircraft models that covers both the First and Second World Wars. Models are only available on CD's not in printed form. They do not take credit cards but you can pay through PayPal.

Fabrizio Prudenziati's Paper Models
A mix of different types of models sold only on CD. 1/72 scale Aircraft from the first and second world war as well as some 1/32 scale vechiles. They do not take credit cards but you can pay through PayPal.

Civil War Ironclads
This company offers a series of Civil War Ironclads from both the North and South.

Gomix/Fly Model
This is Polish site which has been put up by Gomix. Gomix has combined with Fly Model and this site contains all of the Fly Model aircraft, ships and vechiles. All of the Gomix aircraft and ship accessories are also on the site. You will find aircraft canopies, ship guns and much more here. There is a shopping account but it is only in Polish.

GPM Models
GPM is a Polish firm that produces card models of aircraft, ships and vechiles. This site is in Polish and shows all the models that GPM has available. The site is in Polish and as far as I know you can not purchase directly from them.

Halinski Models
Halinski is a Polish firm that produces card models of aircraft, ships and vechiles. The site is in both English and Polish. You can order models on the site but you must pay by wire transfer, they do not except checks or money orders.

A German company that produces a wide range of card models. The are also in the process of re doing the models that were produced in East Germany during the cold war.

Digital Navy
This company is located in the U.S. and produces a line of card model aircraft and ships. You will also find some free down loads so that you can sample the quality of work that this company does.

Flat Pack Heads
Flat pack heads are models which come as flat card cut-outs. and which can be cut out and made into 3D models of animal heads . They are suitable for ages eleven to adult.

One of the oldest card modeling companies in the world. They have a large selection of aircraft and ships from all periods of history.

Red Star Models
Red Star Models sells card models from Poland. They do not carry the model in stock but rather order the model you want from Poland and then ship to you. According to their web site it will take about four weeks to receive your models after you make your order. Horacio recommends you request his catalog for updated information on models he has available. The snail mail address is Horacio Tisera, Red Star Models, P.O. Box 81262, Pittsburgh, PA 15217-4262. Email address is

Paper Land Marks
Paper Land Marks is a Latvian company, which produces 3D replicas of world known architectural landmarks. They sell flat pre-cut sheets of finely detailed openwork made from beautiful white and colored stocks.

ModelArt of Russia
ModelArt of Russia is a new company started in Russia by Dimitry Makeev. The company is releasing 1/32 scale models from Emil Zarchov. The first couple of models released are up scaled versions of Emil's 1/72 models previously released. The company has some very interesting plans so keep your eye on this web site.

Paperville "A growing metropolis of paper models for hobbyists of all ages." At present there are two disks of HO scale models for sale. There is also a free model home to download. They intend to add more models during the year.

Spinler A Czech Republic company that specializes in formula one racers

Spishop This company operates out of the Czech Republic and offers models from all over Euorpe. They will take credit cards.

Geoblox A company that provide educational patterns to be used to make card models in a classroom setting. There are over 100 patterns that make up into models of geological, biological and historical features. is based in Sofia, Bulgaria. The models that they offer are available as download or can be delivered on CD by air mail at an additional cost of 3.5 USD. Our web site is the only one offering the full range of models created by Dr. E. Zarkov (ModelArt).

Card Models Zeist A Dutch company located in Holland who have just published two architectural models by internationally famous Dutch architect Rietveld, and 4 unusual planes: Constellation, Gloster meteor, Northrop Flying Wing and Douglas X-3 Stiletto. Shortly these will be followed by X4 and U2. Contact Diderick A. den Bakker.

Lighthouse Model Art On November 16 2003 this company has opened a web site on the Internet. They are carrying a wide line of models from all over Eourpe. The company has an office in the U.S. run by our old friend Peter Heesch and a Canadian office run by Ralf Schnurbusch.

Card Model Shop This Internet shop specializes in Polish card moels of all types. This company is owned and operated by Robert Marek.

Paper Scale Models An Internet ship that offers the Maly Modelarz card models. This company is owned and operated by Krys Bienkowski.

This page was created by:
Saul H. Jacobs M.Ed.
Docent: Pima Air and Space Museum, Tucson, AZ.
Avionics Specialist, United States Air Force (Retired)
Microcomputer Technology, Pima Community College (Retired)
Tucson Arizona